Low sex drive? Two simple tricks from a sex counsellor to increase your sex drive
Low sex drive can be due to a variety of factors: stress, tedious job, infants at home, poor sleep, hormonal changes, relationship problems, reduced attraction to your own body... You name it!
It is teeming with variables that can affect sex drive. Sometimes, it is not just one factor; it can be several simultaneously; therefore, it is not so easy to deal with.
But there are small, simple tricks you can use to increase sex drive! However, this does not mean that you will immediately become horny and want to get laid (I know, sad. But if it would work immediately and take away all your stress, etc., then I would be called a magician and become a billionaire long ago). Still, these are little tricks that don't require a lot of preparation.
Trick 1: trick the brain with lube to increase your sex drive
If you have a vulva and vagina, I recommend you put some coconut oil or lubricant on your vulva and right at the entrance to the vagina.
Now, you may be scratching your head and wondering why.
Because it will get your body aroused, which in turn will stimulate your brain. Your body will think it's horny and start secreting a little, which makes your brain think you're sexually aroused.
Clever, huh?
Feel free to try it at different times and see when it works best for you! You can also do it before you are going to have a cosy evening with your lover to get yourself started, and this, in turn, may lead to a sexy moment. It can also be exciting to do it just for yourself about 20 minutes before you intend to masturbate.
Trick 2: get your heart rate up and make out to increase your sex drive
This trick works for both people with a vulva and vagina and those with a penis, and so it is mainly for lovers.
Here, once again, it is important to trick the brain!
The trick is to work out, sweat with your lover, and then make out.
Now, you're probably wondering once again what I'm babbling about...
It is because when you exercise, you get your heart rate up, breathe more heavily, sweat... That may remind you of something. Yes, sex!
The brain can't really tell the difference! Therefore, I suggest that you exercise together and make out. Passionate make out, kisses or hugs (choose whatever you prefer) ensure you get oxytocin-the love and feel-good hormone. And then you have a perfect combo for an increased sex drive!
I often give these tricks in my profession as a sex counsellor to my clients. They are simple, cheap, and increase the decreased sex drive!
Once again, low sex drive can be due to many factors, so I would still recommend you talk to a sex counsellor or someone knowledgeable in sexology to help you boost your sex drive and see what exactly YOU need.
But I also know that little simple tricks can help a lot.
So, go get some coconut oil or a good lubricant, work out together and make out, and you'll see that you're already a little on the way.